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When the alumni was talk that they graduated from Economic Faculty - Andalas University, not few of them are confuse with they capability. The problem in those days was, the various groups in Jakarta are do not know the accountant graduated from Economic Faculty-Andalas University, both from government and private sector. When early-generation alumni applied for a job, many asked questions, which university they graduated.

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Some for those who graduates as early generation of Accounting Study Program go to Jakarta with the consideration of this proverb, "people catch fish, if they want big ones, do not catch them in the pond, but capture them in the vast ocean." Jakarta as the center of government and business center, attracted some of the graduates of the first generation. Alumni who graduated in the early generation feel there is pride, because thesis supervisor and trial examiners are lecturers from the University of Indonesia. In 1984, Accounting Study Program of Andalas University has produced a Bachelor of Economics who is entitled to wear the title of "Accountant." In that year, there is only one accountant graduated, and in 19 a few students graduated, until 1986, there are 30 peoples graduated. Accounting Department of Economics Faculty, Andalas University alumni joined in a community named Community of Large Family Accountant, in bahasa are, Forum Komunikasi Keluarga Besar Akuntansi (FKKBA) Andalas University.

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